Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010



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Alice lit (et mime!)

Un peu long, mais je n'ai pas le temps d'editer

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Miss Lucie

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Lectures d'Alice

Si vous avez des conseils de lectures pour Alice, mettez les en commentaires et je les acheterai quand je serai en France (OUI, NOUS RENTRONS BIENTOT!)

Pour l'instant, Alice adore:

- Getting to know the World's greatest artists
Super livres qui expliquent la vie de l'artiste (en gros), son style, influence, avec des petites BD rigolottes sur certaines pages.

- La cabane magine (Magic Treehouse)

Si vous voulez que je vous ramene des livres en anglais, let me know!

Site de jeux mathematiques pour les enfants

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lucie' s progress

Lucie is becoming quite mobile: she has be crawling for some time (millitary style!), now does a few steps on all four (the first time, to try and grab an Easter Chocolate egg); and stands up on her own.

This is all pretty good, but the thing she is definitely the most advanced with is eating. She eats absolutely everything (eggplant, salad, tangerines, strawberry, meat & fish....) except banana. She loves eating small chunks with her fingers.

She interacts a lot with us and Alice; she makes us laugh and tries to copy us. She loves Alice and laughs when Alice is playing silly...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

Merci Jerome

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Paques a New York (comme l'annee derniere mais avec Lucie et Manu en plus

Arrivee sur New York. "Ground Zero" vu du bureau

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Lola et les filles

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Chasse aux oeufs dans les Community Gardens

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Chez Lola

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Brunch et visite